vCenter has become one of the most critical components of vSphere. Issues with vCenter can cause panic attacks because you feel that your VMs are at a risk, but be not afraid, plenty of barriers are built in. If you didn't know already, HA doesn't depend on vCenter once the hosts have been configured, heartbeats are sent and vCenter failing won't leave VMs unprotected. vMotion, DRS, and DPM on the other hand all do rely on vCenter. The focus of this blog article is to discuss installation strategies for all the VMware vCenter required components:
VMware vCenter
VMware Update Manager
VMware ESXi Dump Collector
VMware Syslog Collector
vSphere Web Client (Server)
VMware vSphere Authentication Proxy
The goal of this exercise is to distribute the components of vCenter evenly across the board so each server isn't being hit to hard, at the same time reduce the number of guests needed.
vCenter has become one of the most critical components of vSphere. Issues with vCenter can cause panic attacks because you feel that your VMs are at a risk, but be not afraid, plenty of barriers are built in. If you didn't know already, HA doesn't depend on vCenter once the hosts have been configured, heartbeats are sent and vCenter failing won't leave VMs unprotected. vMotion, DRS, and DPM on the other hand all do rely on vCenter. The focus of this blog article is to discuss installation strategies for all the VMware vCenter required components:
VMware vCenter
VMware Update Manager
VMware ESXi Dump Collector
VMware Syslog Collector
vSphere Web Client (Server)
VMware vSphere Authentication Proxy
option 1 (more consolidated):
Server 1 - The database:
Microsoft SQL
Server 2 - The core:
VMware vCenter
vCenter Orchastrator
VMware ESXi Dump Collector
Server 3 - The addons
VMware Syslog Collector
vSphere Web Client (server)
VMware Update Manager
vSphere Authentication Proxy
Option 2 (more separated):
Server 1 - The database:
Microsoft SQL
Server 2 - The core:
VMware vCenter
vCenter Orchastrator
VMware ESXi Dump Collector
Server 3 - The addons
VMware Syslog Collector
VMware Update Manager
vSphere Authentication Proxy
Server 4 (maybe DMZ):
vSphere Web Client (server)
Server 1 - The database:
Microsoft SQL
Server 2 - The core:
VMware vCenter
vCenter Orchastrator
VMware ESXi Dump Collector
Server 3 - The addons
VMware Syslog Collector
vSphere Web Client (server)
VMware Update Manager
vSphere Authentication Proxy
Option 2 (more separated):
Server 1 - The database:
Microsoft SQL
Server 2 - The core:
VMware vCenter
vCenter Orchastrator
VMware ESXi Dump Collector
Server 3 - The addons
VMware Syslog Collector
VMware Update Manager
vSphere Authentication Proxy
Server 4 (maybe DMZ):
vSphere Web Client (server)