Vsphere 5.1 onwards the process of removal datastore has
been changed, before removing any datastore from ESXi hosts and cluster
Right-click the datastore and unmounting.
It is not only the process to remove LUN from ESXi hosts but
there are few additional pre-checks and post tasks like detaching the device
from the host is must before we request storage administrator to unpresenting
the LUN from the backend storage array.
This process needs to be followed properly otherwise it
may cause bad issue like Dead path or APD ( All paths down) condition on the
ESXi host.
- If the LUN is being used as a VMFS datastore, all objects (such as VM, snapshots ,template and HA configuration stored on the VMFS datastore.
- Ensue the Datastore is not used for vSphere HA heartbeat.
- Ensure the datastore is not part of a SDRS.
- Storage I/O control should be disabled.
- ISO mount and scripts or utilities are accessing the datastore.
Process to remove datatstore or LUN from ESXi
5.x hosts
- Select the ESXi host -> Configuration - > Storage - > Datastores
(note down the naa id for the datatore which starts
from naa.xxx)
- Right-click the datastore, which you want to unmounts and select unmounts.
- Confirm datastore unmounts pre-check is all marked with Green check mark and click on OK.
- Select the ESXi host -> Configuration -> storage -> devices Match the devices with the naa.id (naa.xx) Right-click the Device and Detach. Verify all the Green checks and click on OK to detach the LUN.
Repeat the same step for all ESXi hosts, where
you want to unpresent this datastore.
- Inform your storage team to physically unpresent the LUN from the ESXi host using the appropriate array tools.