Monday, November 25, 2019

ESXi build 6.0,6.5 and 6.7 New Builds Released

VMware has released new builds of ESXi 6.0, 6.5 and 6.7, this is bug fixes, and security fixes, including new Intel CPU microcodes.

The ESXi 6.7, also includes a fix for “Sensor -1 type hardware health alarms” that may fill the vCenter SEAT database disk and other fixes.

The ESXi 6.0 also includes a fix for the CBT corruption on Revert Snapshots.

See the release notes for each version here:

Release notes ESXi 6.0.
Release notes ESXi 6.5.
Release notes ESXi 6.7.

I will share the updated information shortly. I hope this has been informative and thank you for reading! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Free stuff from VMware, a new ebook, Service Mesh For Dummies

VMware have very kindly made available for download a free ebook called Service Mesh For Dummies.

The book covers the following:

The book is downloaded in PDF format, it consists of 6 chapters over 65 pages.

The book is authored by Niran Even-Chen, Oren Penso, and Susan Wu

The six chapters are.
  •     The Rise of Microservices and Cloud-Native Architecture
  •     Service Mesh: A New Paradigm
  •     Service Mesh Use Cases
  •     Recognizing Complexity Challenges in Service Mesh
  •     Transforming the Multi-Cloud Network with NSX Service Mesh
  •     Ten (Or So) Resources to Help You Get Started with Service Mesh
The book is available from VMware

I will share the update information shortly. I hope this has been informative and thank you for reading!

vSphere 8 Security Configuration & Hardening

    The VMware vSphere Security Configuration & Hardening Guide (SCG) has evolved significantly over the past fifteen years, remaining...